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23 Outdated Home Trends Millennials Hate, but Boomers Love

23 Outdated Home Trends Millennials Hate, but Boomers Love

Home design and decor trends have evolved significantly over the years, and what was once considered stylish might now be seen as outdated by younger generations. Millennials, born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s, have their own preferences when it comes to decorating their living spaces. On the other hand, the Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, often hold onto trends that have nostalgic value for them. Here are 23 outdated home trends that millennials tend to dislike but are still beloved by many Boomers.

23 outdated home trends that millennials tend to dislike but are still beloved by many Boomers.

  1. Wallpaper Borders: While Boomers might remember these as charming additions to their homes, millennials often find them tacky and dated.
  2. Pastel Color Schemes: The pastel palette, popular in the past, can now appear too saccharine for millennials, who lean towards more muted and neutral tones.
  3. Curtain Valances: These ornate top treatments are often seen as overly fussy and are gradually being replaced by simpler, more streamlined window treatments.
  4. Faux Wood Paneling: The wood paneling craze of the past can make a space feel dark and closed off, which contrasts with millennials’ preference for brighter, open interiors.
  5. Shag Carpets: Once a symbol of cozy comfort, shag carpets are now viewed as difficult to maintain and outdated.
  6. Overly Formal Dining Rooms: Millennials often prefer open-concept spaces that promote a more casual and flexible dining experience.
  7. Cluttered Decor: Boomers might have embraced maximalism, but millennials tend to lean towards a more minimalist aesthetic with cleaner lines.
  8. Floral Upholstery: Bold floral patterns can feel overwhelming to millennials, who often opt for simpler, solid-colored furniture.
  9. Brass Fixtures: While brass had its heyday, millennials often prefer sleeker metals like brushed nickel or matte black.
  10. Tuscan-Inspired Decor: The rustic, earthy vibe of Tuscan decor can now come across as heavy and dated to younger generations.
  11. Formal Living Rooms: Dedicated formal living rooms are becoming less common as millennials prioritize multi-functional and open spaces.
  12. Matching Furniture Sets: The matchy-matchy look is being replaced by more eclectic and curated furniture selections.
  13. Themed Rooms: While themed rooms were once trendy, they now tend to feel contrived and lack the timeless appeal millennials seek.
  14. Popcorn Ceilings: The bumpy texture of popcorn ceilings is often considered outdated and is being replaced with smoother finishes.
  15. Heavy Drapery: Millennials favor lighter window treatments that let in more natural light and create an airy feel.
  16. Built-in Jacuzzis: Built-in Jacuzzis are being swapped for more modern and space-efficient soaking tubs or walk-in showers.
  17. Plastic Furniture Covers: Boomers might appreciate the practicality, but millennials typically prefer furniture that feels more inviting and comfortable.
  18. Wall-to-Wall Carpeting: Millennials often prefer hardwood or laminate flooring for a cleaner and more modern look.
  19. Formal China Cabinets: Displaying fine china in dedicated cabinets is seen as less practical by millennials, who lean towards open shelving.
  20. Neon Color Accents: Neon accents can feel too flashy for millennials, who lean towards subtler pops of color.
  21. Ceramic Figurines: The collectible ceramic figurines that were once popular are now seen as outdated clutter.
  22. Flocked Wallpaper: The textured appearance of flocked wallpaper is often considered old-fashioned and is replaced by simpler wall treatments.
  23. Heavy Antique Furniture: While antiques hold charm, millennials often mix them with more modern pieces for a balanced look.


Trends in home decor change with each generation, reflecting evolving lifestyles and design preferences. What once resonated with one generation may now be considered outdated by the next. While Boomers still hold fond memories of these home trends, millennials are embracing a fresh and contemporary approach to home design.

Read More: Outdated Things Boomers Keep in Their Houses

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